Mokestis už mokslą 4 000 € per metus
Dalyvio mokestis 200 € one-time

Application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE

Daugiau informacijos 


The Fashion industry is the only and unique study programme in North-Eastern Europe. This study programme prepares an expert in the fashion industry who will be able to respond to global changes in the fashion world, anticipate and shape the society that uses creative products accordingly. Students will not only gain knowledge of fashion design and business, but will learn how to properly communicate about fashion, dictate fashion trends or combine them with other areas of creative activities.

Programos struktūra

  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences;
  • Total number of ECTS credits: 210;
  • Distribution of academic subjects by semester: approx. 30 ECTS credits per semester, 7 semesters.

Karjeros galimybės

CAREER: an expert of fashion a communication specialist in fashion industry manager
in the fashion sector event organizer.

Teikti paraišką! Rudens semestras 2025/26
Paraiškų teikimo terminas
2025-05-01 13:00:00
Rytų Europos laikas
Studijų pradžia
Teikti paraišką! Rudens semestras 2025/26
Paraiškų teikimo terminas
2025-05-01 13:00:00
Rytų Europos laikas
Studijų pradžia