Mokestis už mokslą 4 600 € per metus
Dalyvio mokestis 200 € one-time

Application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE

Daugiau informacijos 


Integrated communication is a unique study program in Lithuania, designed to educate communication professionals who will be able to make creative decisions and manage them using various communication tools, technologies and combinations of methods. The need for integrated communication is greater than the current supply in the labor market. It presents that with the rapid development of digital technologies and changes in life and work styles, people with unique competences who can effectively manage communication processes in organizations are being desired in current labor environment.

Programos struktūra

  • Master of Social Sciences:
  • Total number of ECTS credits: 90;
  • Distribution of academic subjects by semester: approx. 30 ECTS credits per semester, 3 semesters.

Karjeros galimybės

CAREER: communication expert; a professional in the creative sector; integrated communications strategist; mass communication expert; internal and external communication specialist.

Teikti paraišką! Rudens semestras 2025/26
Paraiškų teikimo terminas
2025-05-01 13:00:00
Rytų Europos laikas
Studijų pradžia
Teikti paraišką! Rudens semestras 2025/26
Paraiškų teikimo terminas
2025-05-01 13:00:00
Rytų Europos laikas
Studijų pradžia