Mokestis už mokslą 5 800 € per metus
Dalyvio mokestis 200 € one-time

Application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE

Daugiau informacijos 


Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) offers international undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) Aviation Management study programme, which aims to develop highly-qualified professionals in the field of modern aviation management, who understand global trends and challenges facing the aviation industry and can meaningfully contribute to the industry development.

Programos struktūra

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Management (BSc);
  • Total number of ECTS credits: 210;
  • Distribution of academic subjects by semester: approx. 30 ECTS credits per semester, 7 semesters.

Karjeros galimybės

CAREER: in airlines, passenger and ground handling companies, at airports, aircraft maintenance, tourism companies.

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