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Useful tips

After you have registered and filled your application and uploaded documents required, you need to submit your application. There is a registration fee applicable and without payment you will not be able to submit your application. If application is not submitted, we do not start application evaluation.
1. Pay a (non-refundable) application fee.
• Click “View” proforma invoice
• And there you will see 2 payment options available: “Payment by bank transfer” and “Pay with Flywire” (online).
• If paid by bank transfer, you will be charged higher bank transfer fees and it will take about a week to update into the system.
If paid online – payment will be automatically updated in the system, usually the same day.

2. After the payment is confirmed by University, you will be able to submit your application.
Click “Submit” button – Success! You have submitted your application.

IMPORTANT: Please contact your bank first if during the payment process you face difficulties.

25 Jan 2023